Langworthy Family Dentistry Blog

4 Tips to Quickly Ease New Aligner Discomfort

January 19, 2023

a woman smiling with her aligner

Advances in modern technology have made it even easier to get the straight smile you have always wanted. No longer do you have to commit to months of wearing the brackets and wires of traditional braces. Now there are more comfortable and flexible options like Invisalign! However, while they are many benefits as you progress toward more aligned teeth, they still require a bit of adjustment. Here’s why Invisalign treatment can be a bit uncomfortable at first and what you can do to help.


Is a Dental Membership Plan the Right Option for You?

November 19, 2022

Insurance form

Many Americans benefit from dental insurance through their employer, but this isn’t necessarily an option for everyone. The good news is that you have another solution available to help you get the essential dental care you need for you and your family. With a Dental Membership Plan, you can get a variety of benefits without dental insurance. Continue reading to learn more about this type of plan so you can determine if one is right for you.


How Soaking Up the Summer Sun Can Benefit Your Smile

August 16, 2022

young woman smiling with sun on face

It’s been a warm summer here in our part of the country, and we hope you have gotten a chance to (comfortably) soak up some of that sunshine we’ve gotten. Did you know that, as long as you are using sunscreen and other protection, the Vitamin D provided by the summer sun offers a host of benefits for your overall health? The same goes for your smile, as well. Keep reading to learn how. 


5 Awesome Benefits of Choosing a Family Dentist

July 4, 2022

Family dentist.

One of the most important aspects of maintaining a happy and healthy smile is by regularly visiting your dentist—but this isn’t always easy, especially if you’ve got a large family to coordinate and many smiles to keep in mind! If figuring out the logistics of scheduling a dental visit for everyone in your family is a nightmare, have you considered finding a family dentist for you and your loved ones? There are many benefits to doing so; here’s more about five of them.


Helpful Tips for Keeping Your Invisalign Aligners Clean

June 4, 2022

Person holding an Invisalign aligner.

Invisalign has taken the world of modern dentistry by storm! Millions of patients have turned towards these awesome, transparent aligners for a comfortable and discreet solution to correct crooked and misaligned teeth. That said, this treatment process is only possible by diligently caring for and wearing your aligners constantly. Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about how to properly clean and care for your Invisalign aligners so your treatment isn’t jeopardized.  


Special Event Coming Up? There’s Probably Still Time to Whiten

May 13, 2022

woman smiling at sunset

Summer is a booming time for special events like weddings, reunions, and more. That means you will want to look your best in June, July, and August – and teeth whitening is a great way to make your smile dazzle. If you find yourself wondering “how close to an event should I whiten my teeth,” we’ve got the answer. Keep reading to find out. 


Foods That Can Chip Teeth 

April 6, 2022

assorted hard candies that can chip teeth

Life can be hectic at times. From doing your best at work to making sure you’re able to spend adequate time with friends and family, there are a lot of responsibilities to keep up with. For many, sitting down to eat a good meal is the best part of their day. Unfortunately, if you eat foods that can chip teeth, this break from the business may quickly turn into a dental emergency. So you can continue enjoying meal times to the fullest, read on to learn about foods that can chip teeth, how this puts your smile in danger, and what your dentist can do to help.
