Tooth loss is a common issue throughout the United States. Approximately 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth while 40 million are missing all of their teeth. This can make it very difficult to complete daily tasks, like eating, speaking, and smiling. Fortunately, just because you’ve lost teeth doesn’t mean you need to spend the rest of your life without them. Dr. Kristen Langworthy offers high-quality dentures to replace your teeth without depleting your wallet. To learn more about dentures in Fuquay-Varina, give us a call! Out team is eager to answer your questions and get you started with an initial consultation.
Dentures are an excellent choice for people who are missing anywhere from a few to all of their teeth. Eating and speaking shouldn’t be made difficult. Depending on the number of teeth you’re missing and where they are located in the mouth, a customized plan can be created just for you. However, if you have any existing oral health issues, like periodontal disease or tooth decay, these need to be treated and completely eliminated ahead of time. Our number one priority is the health of your smile!
There are a few different types of dentures out there to cater to a variety of different needs. During your initial consultation, Dr. Langworthy will determine which one is most ideal for you:
If you are missing multiple teeth, but still have remaining healthy teeth, a partial denture may be the right option for you. They are created by bonding replacement teeth to a gum-like base that clips to remaining teeth to hold them into place. This way, missing teeth in different locations of an arch can be replaced with a single restoration.
While partial dentures rely on neighboring teeth to stay in place, full dentures are held in thanks to the natural shape and suction of the gums. This type of denture can replace an entire arch of missing teeth. It is made from a gum-colored acrylic base and enamel-colored replacement teeth for a natural-looking finish.
For a more stable denture that lasts longer than traditional methods, dental implant dentures are a great solution. A series of screw-like implants are placed throughout the jawbone before the customized restoration is attached. The additional stability allows patients to regain up to 70% of their natural chewing power. Implant dentures are also designed to last for many decades, so you don’t need to worry about routine repairs and replacements.
You can expect to experience all sorts of benefits when it comes to dentures. Here are just some of the most prominent:
After considering the information above, you understand the different types of dentures available in Fuquay-Varina, what makes someone a viable candidate to get them, and ways dentures can prove beneficial to someone who has lost teeth. It’s always wise to gather information before making an important decision, so you may still have some unanswered questions about dentures. To help in that regard, we’ve responded to some frequently asked questions from past patients below. If you don’t see your question below, we hope you’ll call our office so a team member can share the information you seek!
It’s recommended you take your dentures out at night before going to bed. That doesn’t apply to the first 24 hours after getting them since your denture dentist in Fuquay-Varina will tell you to keep them in for that entire duration. Wearing dentures restricts blood circulation in your gums, which can lead to soft-tissue irritation and possibly speed up ridge resorption. Taking your dentures out at night is vital to give your gums recovery time and nutrient access. Also, sleeping with dentures elevates the risk of pneumonia since the space underneath dentures allows bacteria to thrive. Wearing your dentures too long is generally associated with poor oral hygiene and elevated levels of gum and tongue plaque.
The chance of tooth loss is much higher among older patients. About two-thirds of adults between ages 40-64 are missing at least one tooth, compared to one-third of adults between ages 20-39, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. On that note, you are more likely to need dentures once you enter your forties, and more than half of people between ages 65-74 wear some type of denture, according to the American Dental Association. People of all ages can potentially be candidates for dentures, considering an accident could result in knocked-out teeth, for example.
Sticking foods like gummy candies and peanut butter are tough to chew and risky since they can pull your dentures out of place. That would allow food particles to become trapped under the dentures to cause gum irritation. Foods like popcorn kernels, shelled nuts, and sesame seeds contain small pieces that dentures can’t chew easily. The bits could get stuck or potentially damage your dentures. Foods like nuts, popcorn, apples, carrot sticks, and corn on the cob may be okay to eat occasionally, but they should generally be avoided since they can damage or dislodge dentures. If you try to eat tough meats like steak or pork chops, expect a lot of stress on your dentures and gums since they require excessive chewing.
It takes time to get used to how it feels, but it’s completely fine to kiss while wearing dentures. Since your dentures don’t contain nerves, you must be careful to avoid kissing anyone too hard or bumping your dentures against your partner’s teeth. So your prosthetics won’t shift out of place, be mindful to kiss gently while wearing dentures.